Weekly Activities

First Grade Activities (Google Doc)

Grade 1 Elementary At-Home Learning Activities 

For the Week of May 11, 2020

Thank you for doing your best to complete the Priority and Enrichment Activities. 

The Extension Activities are included as optional activities to extend learning.

Possible Daily Schedule

Click Activity to jump to that section.

To check off an Activity, double click on a checkbox, then right-click, then select the checkmark.

Selecciona aquí para las actividades de aprendizaje en casa En Español





Social Studies


Activities → 



Activities → 

  • Activity 4



Specials - Enrichment Activities

Click Activity to jump to that section.



Physical Education





Reading/Writing Priority Activities

Activity 1



Read / Watch

Watch the following video about weather --- https://tinyurl.com/y8u6mq9r or choose a non-fiction book of your choice to read 

Practice / Respond

Complete the bubble map.  Write the title Weather or if you chose a different topic  in the center.  Add the  details that you learned watching the video or reading your book.

(attached at end of packet)

Activity 2


Problem and Solution

Read / Watch

Watch the read aloud  video.--- https://tinyurl.com/y8lqys2a or choose a book that has a problem in the story.

Practice / Respond

After watching the read aloud or if you chose a book from your personal library to read, think what was the main problem in the story and how it was solved/resolved.  Complete the problem and solution chart in your  packet and discuss with someone in your home.  

(attached at end of packet)

Activity 3


Word Work- /ee/ and /ea/

Read / Watch

Watch the following video over /ee/and /ea/ words.  

https://tinyurl.com/y29a6kke or practice reading aloud the words below in the practice/respond section independently or with someone in your home.  

Practice / Respond

Words (peak, peek, meat, meet, beet, beat, heal, heel, see, sea). Write your long e words with sidewalk chalk and draw a picture showing the difference in meaning. Send a picture to your teacher. OR Write each word in a sentence and underline your spelling word. Send a picture to your teacher. 


Reading/Writing Extension Activities

Activity 4


Phonics- /au/ and /aw/

Read/  Watch

Watch the following videos:https://tinyurl.com/ybkbpsge and https://tinyurl.com/y7j3x3ch

Practice / Respond

Get a sheet of paper and write the following sentences with the correct word in the blank from the word bank provided.  Take a picture and turn it in to your teacher.

Activity 5


Sight Word Practice

Read/  Watch

Sight Word Memory.  Use the last five words you have not used yet. Create two sets of cards using those five words.  Mix the words up and lay them face down.  Take turns flipping two cards over at a time.  If your two words match, you keep the cards.  At the end of the game,the player with most cards wins.  (Sight word list:house, start, grew, way, friend, story, street, above, find, between, every, should, father, watch, children, hid, enough, dark, great, inside, light, seen, during, worn, wrong, you’re)

Practice / Respond

Read and spell the sight words to a family member.  Use each word in a sentence.  You can just say the sentences out loud to a family member.  




Mathematics Priority Activities

Activity 1


Double Digit Addition

Read / Watch

Watch: https://tinyurl.com/yyygy3on or read the chart below. 

Practice / Respond

Practice here: https://tinyurl.com/ya4sq3mx  or solve the problems below.

Send a picture of your work to your teacher. 

Activity 2


Tell time to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks.

Read / Watch

Watch https://tinyurl.com/y4m7t9gz  or read the chart below. 

Practice / Respond

Practice: When learning to tell time past the hour determining the correct hour can become a struggle. Many students get confused about the hour when reading the time on an analog clock, when the hour hand falls between two numbers. Here’s how to solve that problem: “make a hook”.

Practice: Identify time on three separate clocks such as a clock at home, internet pictures, or draw a clock for students and have them use the hook strategy to practice.

Respond; Complete the clocks below, take a picture and send it to your teacher.


Activity 3


Tell time to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks.

Read / Watch

Watch -  https://tinyurl.com/ycchm8ru or read the anchor charts below.     



Practice / Respond

Create an analog clock and label it with the time of 2:30 and a second clock with 4:00. 

Take a picture and send it to your teacher.


Mathematics Extension Activities

Activity 4


Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour

Read/  Watch

Watch: https://tinyurl.com/y7mm5gba  or read the chart below: 

Practice / Respond


Practice - https://tinyurl.com/sy5k4uu or solve the problems to the right.

Send a picture of your work to your teacher.

Activity 5


Tell time to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks.

Read/  Watch

Watch https://tinyurl.com/y7b4x7lf  and play https://tinyurl.com/sy5k4uu or read the chart below.



Practice / Respond

Write and label the following times on the clocks above:  11:00,  2:30,  4:00,  9:30




Science Priority Activities

Activity 1


Life Cycles

Read / Watch

Look at each picture on pg. 1 for this week.  If you can, click on the pictures to watch short videos explaining what is happening inside the egg each day.

Practice / Respond

Look at each picture.  Observe how the chick is growing in the egg.  Tell someone in your family what is happening in each picture and answer the questions at the end.  Share a picture with your teacher.

Activity 2


Life Cycles

Read / Watch


Watch this video on the life cycle of a frog https://safeyoutube.net/w/VFsA

Practice / Respond

Read pg. 2 for this week (also attached at end of packet), and describe in your own words, how an egg changes into a frog.  Share a picture with your teacher.


Science Extension Activities

Activity 3


Life Cycles

Practice / Respond

Draw a picture and write about any pet you would like to have on notebook paper.  Make sure to include why you want that pet, and tell about how it will change as it grows up (Its life cycle).


Social Studies


Social Studies Priority Activities

Activity 1


Celebrate America

Read / Watch

Read and discuss the following vocabulary words with your child:

liberty – freedom

 symbol – something that stands for something else

 patriotic – showing love for your country

 celebrate – to honor or enjoy 

government – a political unit

 holiday – a special day of celebration

 reenactment – to repeat the actions of an earlier event

 culture – the language, beliefs, traditions, of a group of people

Practice / Respond

Create a foldable of vocabulary words.  Fold the paper  to make four boxes. Choose 4 of the vocabulary words above.  Write the word and illustrate a picture in the square.

Write a sentence using the word.

Activity 2



Read / Watch

Watch the following video about symbols of the United States


Practice / Respond

Explain to someone in your home why you think America is a great place to live


Social Studies Extension Activities

Activity 3



Read/  Watch

Watch the following Brainpop, Jr about symbols;https://tinyurl.com/umok6ss

Practice / Respond

On a sheet of paper, write what each of the following symbols represents for the United States

Bald eagle, liberty bell, and statue of liberty





Complete the activities you can. 

Try to finish all activities by the end of the week! ☺

Music Choice Board 5/11/2020

Listen to a song from your favorite movie and draw a picture of how it makes you feel.

Ask a family member what their favorite song is and listen to it.

Go outside and listen to all the sounds you hear (birds, cars, wind blowing, etc.) and draw a picture describing what you hear.

Youtube “Yo Yo Ma And Lil' Buck Do 'The Swan' in Beijing” with a family member and talk about what you see and hear.



Use found objects (pencil, pan, can, bucket, etc.) in your home and play the beat along with at least 2 songs. 


Be a music teacher! Teach a family member your favorite song!


STEAM Challenge Choice Board

Choose one activity (or more if you want) to design and create.

Only use items that are already in and round your house.


Physical Education

Choose one to two activities 

  1. Complete a series of 1-Minute Fitness Challenges- https://tinyurl.com/wof859y 

  2. Choose 3 poses to perform.  Hold each pose for 30 sec. To 60 sec. - https://tinyurl.com/yx5vmhwz 

  3. Play outside for at least 15 minutes or Jump rope for 10 minutes.

  4. Take a walk or hike with your family.


Students that have internet capabilities should have two 30 minute sessions on WOWZERS - https://wowzers.com/ and on Smarty Ants - https://play.smartyants.com/login each week.